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Mattel Electronics DongguanMattel is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of toys and family products in the world. Our portfolio includes best-selling brands, such as Barbie, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, American Girl, Radica and Tyco R/C, as well as Fisher-Price brands, including Little People, Power Wheels and a wide array of entertainment-inspired toy lines. Mattel is a publicly-traded Fortune 500 company and was named as one of “100 Best Companies to Work For” Companies by FORTUNE Magazine. With headquarter in El Segundo, California, Mattel has operations in 43 countries and territories, employs approximately 29,000 people and sells products in more than 150 nations around the world. Mattels vision is Creating the Future of Play.In China mainland, we have 5 facilities which are located in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Foshan and Yunnan.Mattel Electronics Dongguan was founded in 1994 and located in Humen Town, Dongguan city. Welcome to join us!美泰是全球最大的玩具公司,在儿童产品的设计、生产、销售方面处于领导地位。我们的主要品牌包括最流行最畅销的时尚娃娃Barbie 和 Hot Wheels, Matchbox, American Girl, Radica, Tyco R/C 以及 Fisher-Price 品牌,包括Little People, Power Wheels 和一系列的益智类玩具。美泰是公认的世界财富500强公司,被《财富》杂志评为美国“最佳雇主百强”之一。美泰公司总部位于美国加州EI Segundo,在43个国家和地区拥有约29,000名员工,产品销往150多个国家。美泰的愿景是创造玩的未来!在中国大 陆,美泰共有五家分公司,分别在深圳、东莞、佛山及云南。美泰东莞电子厂(东莞乐迪卡游戏机制造厂有限公司) 成立于1994年, 位于东莞市虎门镇, 2006年10月成为美泰在中国区的生产基地之一。Employee BenefitsAs a caring company, we provide staff with competitive salary and benefits including the follows,作为一家人性化的企业,我们为每一位员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬和完善的福利:5 working days per week; 公司实行5天8小时工作制;11 days statutory holidays and other holiday such as annual leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, etc; 提供国家法律规定的所有法定假期,如:有薪年假、婚假、产假等;Social Insurance and additional Commercial Insurance; 公司为员工购买社会保险以及附加商业保险;Abundant training and development opportunities; 并为员工提供培训和发展机会;Various entertainment facilities including Karaoke room, Library, etc. 公司定期举办各种有益身心的康乐活动,提供卡拉OK多功能厅、图书馆等康乐设施。招聘声明近日,我司发现有不明人士以乐迪卡游戏机制造厂有限公司的名义进行招聘活动,谎称美泰玩具乐迪卡游戏机制造厂有限公司将要在山东等地开办新厂并招募人员,并通知求职者先去东莞南城培训,再到山东新厂上班。美泰玩具乐迪卡公司在此正式声明:乐迪卡公司在山东并无新厂,此次招聘与美泰玩具乐迪卡公司无关,属虚假招聘,请广大求职者提高警惕,以免上当受骗。 美泰玩具乐迪卡公司认为此举极大地损害了公司的企业形象,因此,美泰玩具乐迪卡公司正在与当地公安部门取得联系,积极调查取证。同时,乐迪卡公司将在相关求职网站发布声明,以免更多的人受此虚假招聘的蒙骗。同时,乐迪卡公司保留向参与虚假招聘的相关人员进一步追究法律责任的权利。 乐迪卡公司一向关心和重视员工的切身利益,并始终致力于维护美泰玩具及乐迪卡公司在大众中已建立的良好的企业形象。我们欢迎更多的有识之士通过正式渠道加入或者了解我公司;同时我们相信,在相关法律法规以及相关政府部门的支持下,类似的虚假招聘行为将会得到及时、妥善的处理。美泰玩具虎门乐迪卡游戏机制造厂有限公司2013年3月20日 公司环境